Located on the northern tip of Goa at the mouth of Terekhol river, the Terekhol fort was a lynchpin of the Portuguese efforts to protect their coastline from invading armies. Originally built by Maharaja Khem Sawant Bhonsle, the Raja of Sawantwadi, in the 17th century, the Terekhol fort was extensively revamped in 1764 after the Portuguese Viceroy Dom Pedro Miguel de Almeida captured it.


Ramya Subramanian, 2010 (Flickr)

Stephen D. Harper, 2009 (Flickr)

B. R. Rajeev, 2009 (

Peter Goddard, 2003 (TravelBlog)


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(Google Images)


O Forte de Tiracol, ou Forte de Terekhol, é uma fortaleza de defesa costeira localizada na aldeia de Tiracol, junto à foz do rio Terekhol, na taluka de Pernem, no extremo norte do Estado de Goa. O forte foi severamente bombardeado e deixado em ruínas em 1825, mas a igreja de Santo António, localizada na sua esplanada, foi reconstruída. Actualmente parte do forte foi adaptado a hotelaria. More...

The Terekhol fort is in a state of ruins and the remnants of the original structure have now been converted into a hotel, the Terekhol Fort Heritage. The fort houses the century old Church of St. Anthony in its courtyard. But it is not open to the general public except on certain occasions such as the annual feast that is usually held in May. More...

If the urge to escape to the ends of the earth strikes you, visit Fort Tiracol. Once an armed fortress that belonged to the Portuguese, Fort Tiracol is now content to spend the rest of its days on a cliff enjoying the kaleidoscopic view of the Arabian Sea and the spectacular estuary of the Tiracol River. More...

O forte de Tiracol, feito de blocos de laterite, está transformado num hotel aprazível, que acolhe sobretudo turistas vindos de Goa. A ponte fica muito longe, pelo que é necessário tomar um «ferry-boat» perto de Querim, que em dez minutos faz a viagem entre as duas margens. A vista para a praia de Querim, a Sul, é fantástica. O interior da pequena fortaleza está muito bem preservado. A fachada da capela jesuíta, de 1822, está caiada de branco e conserva as estátuas de três santos: o mártir Sebastião, o inevitável Francisco Xavier e António de Lisboa, o patrono. O velho forte de Terekhol (como se escreve em concanim, a língua mais corrente em Goa), sentinela avançada em pleno estado de Maharashtra, é um dos melhores testemunhos da arquitectura militar portuguesa. More...

Terekhol fort provides views of confluence of Terekhol river and Arabian sea as it located at the end of the creek. There are remains of the fort such as walls and bastions which are constructed in Portuguese and Maratha style. A church of St. Anthony's is also there inside the fort. More...

The Tiracol Fort, a Maratha stronghold from the 17th century, has been converted into a heritage hotel. Renovated and managed by Claudia and Hari Ajwani who opened Goa’s famous Nilaya Hermitage in the 1990s, this hotel is comfortable and contemporary. It also retains a strong historic presence of its original inhabitants, the Marathas and the Portuguese. The church in the courtyard and the fierce ramparts are testaments to this fact. More...